jeudi 13 mars 2008

My Future

In my future , I' d like to become a soccer player because I like touching the ball.
I would like to play in FC Barcelona because it' s my dream.
If I can't become a soccer player I want to be a lawyer because my father is a lawyer , and because I would like to defend innocent people.
But my first objective for my future , is to become a soccer player because it's all my life.

jeudi 20 décembre 2007

My Sport

Hello, I' m Antony. I' m fiften years old.
I' ve played soccer since I was seven.
I' ve played for Servette fc for 3 years.
I practise soccer five times a week and at the weekends I have a game, so I must to do sacrifices.
In my team, there Jonas, Tomas, Romain play with me.
Jonas is the capitain Tomas and Romain are midfield players and I' m a striker.
My trainer' s name is Alfredo Mosca. He wants us to arrive third in the Championship, so he helps us to progress.
My diet is very strict, I eat a lot of pasta and vegetables because it is very important for my body.
My physical condition is good because I train a lot , but It' s very hard at this pace.
My quality is my technique and my quickness.
My project for the future is to go to fc Barcelona